Yuyuan Liu


I’m a third-year PhD candidate at the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, fortunately supervised by Prof. Gustavo Carneiro, Prof. Vasileios Belagiannis and Prof. Ian Reid. Previously, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in computer science with First Class Honours at the University of Adelaide.

:high_brightness: My research interests lie in the fields of computer vision, particularly in semantic perception, encompassing out-of-distribution detection, label-efficient segmentation, and audio-visual segmentation for both natural images and LiDAR datasets.


Jul, 2023 3 papers are accepted for ICCV’23.
Jul, 2022 1 paper is selected to be oral for ECCV’22. :star2:
Mar, 2022 2 papers are accepted for CVPR’22.

Selected Publications

  1. iccv23_rpl_page_1.jpg
    Residual pattern learning for pixel-wise out-of-distribution detection in semantic segmentation
    Yuyuan Liu* , Choubo Ding*, Yu Tian, Guansong Pang, Vasileios Belagiannis, Ian Reid, and Gustavo Carneiro
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023
    (* represents the equal contribution)
  2. eccv22_pebal_page_1.jpg
    Pixel-wise energy-biased abstention learning for anomaly segmentation on complex urban driving scenes
    Yu Tian*,  Yuyuan Liu* , Guansong Pang, Fengbei Liu, Yuanhong Chen, and Gustavo Carneiro
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (oral), 2022
    (* represents the equal contribution)
  3. cvpr22_psmt_page_1.png
    Perturbed and strict mean teachers for semi-supervised semantic segmentation
    Yuyuan Liu , Yu Tian, Yuanhong Chen, Fengbei Liu, Vasileios Belagiannis, and Gustavo Carneiro
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022